Friday, September 20, 2013

Day Two

So. Today was the first full day of sleeping/being at someone else's home. Coworker named Dan let us use his second room. His brother actually invited another coworker to rent the room, but the new guy gave up the room for me and Danny. So we got an air mattress, with a few sheets and pillows. Our crap's lying everywhere, but at least it's with us.

Dear God, just imagine if Danny had no toys...


Tonight we're at my little brother's. His roommate gave up his mattress so Danny would have a bed. I'm out on the couch, watching them play CoD:BO2.

And I'm jusht a wee bit shtoned. :3

As happy as I am to have Danny with me, I can't wait for Sunday when he goes back to his dad's. He's staying with our friend Taco. :) She's Danny's godmum. And she loves him to pieces. She's been begging us to stay with her, even though there are already 4 adults in the 2br apartment, one of which I'd love to hug tightly. On the neck. With my hands. For an extended period of time.

Damn bitch...

Sunday night I go to Ryan's. He's like a big brother. Same age as my oldest bro, calls me Kid all the time. It's great. And he's into all the stuff I find super cool. And he'll watch Slenderman movies with me!!! Because I'm apparently adorable when I'm terrified.

I think he likes me. And I may be starting to like him back, not sure how to feel about that.

Gonna shmoke another bowl. Have a cup of joe. Pass out eventually.

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