Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day Four pt. 1

Technically, anyway. I don't consider it the next day until I've slept. So in my mind, it's still Sunday.

Fuck you, reality!


I have so much to do tomorrow. I have a couple of other housing places to call, a few county/state agencies, and two women's shelters. Got a ton of laundry (on my last pair of clean skivvies and opted out of pants to save on clean clothes), and gonna talk to the guys here about the living arrangement. I'm thinking if I buy a futon, and sleep on that, this could be a permanent place. Danny and I can sleep on the futon at night, and it'll fold up into a couch when he wakes up. That'd be perfect.

We'll see.

The coworker I'd mentioned that I think likes me, he and his roomies talked about renting a room to me. But they're all heavy drinkers, and they didn't feel comfortable having a toddler around alcohol. I hear it was a very serious conversation, though. They really wanted to do it. I told them all I appreciated it, but I agreed with the final consensus.

My biggest issue is my rental history. My credit's shot, too, but it's the history that's getting me turned away. I owe a previous landlord money.

Fuckers claim I smeared food all over my walls and left mold in my sinks and tub.

Not paying them $400. Fuck them.

If I could find a roommate, it'd be easier. If any of you took the time to read my other blog, Curiouser and Curiouser, you'd know why I have a hard time with the idea of living with another person, other than family.

I do not want a repeat of that shit.

My brother Mikey and his roommate have been talking, though. My dad has a lot of heart issues, and needs to move down to the cities. Mikey wants to live with him, so he's not alone. His roommate doesn't necessarily want to; he likes their trailer. So I said I'd take over Mikey's half, if it came down to it. We've known him long enough to call him family. That's perfectly fine by me.

But it's all the way up in Shoreview... I work in Mendota Heights...

Google Map that shit. :/

So I've got some thinking to do. In the interim, I need sleep. Not gonna get any, I'll probably stay up and watch PewDiePie or something on Netflix, but I can wish!

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